
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Bossily Banned

OK, so I'm and old guy. Been an atheist, agnostic (I know, same thing) and theist at one time or another. Pascal's wager aside, I don't think people score points one way or another based on their belief system. Prior to the midpoint of the 20th century most great scientists were believers in some form of God I suspect. But now in some circles if you believe in any form of God you are considered stupid (talking to your pets, your plants and even trees is still OK though, as is keeping a display case of poorly assembled plastic ships well into your 30’s).

There was a time when being an atheist took guts. Those days are over. Now in some circles saying you believe in God takes guts. It’s a good thing lions haven't been made extinct yet, we may need them again.

So much for religious tribalism.

When I was married, my wife was a feminist. I know that now (I recently asked her just to be sure) but I didn’t know it then. There were a lot of things going on in what came to be known as the “war between the sexes” but not all of them got assigned labels right away.

I remember us arguing over the “Equal Rights Amendment”. She was always going on about it and I was always saying that when these old documents said “men” or “man” any rational modern person should know that it applied to both men and women. She never saw it that way.  Long after we went our separate ways, I see that she was right.

Not one to be afraid of taking both sides of the same argument, when the debate came up about letting gays get “married” I said that the word “married” had a very specific meaning and we shouldn’t go cramming all sorts of other things into that meaning. After all, we didn’t end racism by simply calling “black” people “white” did we? (I actually thought this was a pretty good argument, but only in the sense of winning arguments, not in the sense of being right about the issue).

What it comes down to though is that no amount of changing the definition of words, or not changing the definition of words, or banning them for that matter, will change what (as we used to say) “is in the human heart”.  That takes time. And since some people are never capable of changing their minds about anything, sometimes it just takes a whole generation or three to die off for things to really change so that they can be noticed in our daily lives. We are certainly in such times now.

When I was young, using the N-word (note how I didn’t actually use the word there) was commonplace. Most people using it didn’t even consider it a pejorative term. Back then it was either the N-word, or “negro”, or “colored person”.  Only later were “African American” and “black” invented, and for a while there seemed to be some jockeying around for the category of prefered word.

Our federal government (and others) trying their best to make sure that we weren't racist any more introduced language into every document an American has to fill out trying to ascertain what race they are a member of.  I still haven’t figured that strategy out.

In fact, I find that the best way to avoid problems with all generic forms of tribalism is just to not acknowledge that the various “tribes” exist.  I wouldn’t go up to someone and say “Aren’t you that Mexican plumber that Mrs. Williamson used?”  Throughout the year I run into people of all shapes sizes colors and nationalities and it is almost never necessary to refer to them as anything other than their name, or if you don’t know their name, “sir”, “ma’am”, or “hey you”. Problem solved I would say.

But wait! You might be thinking that I could clean up my language entirely and still be a racist! I don’t have to acknowledge race, sex, religion, or national origin to discriminate against someone. And you’d be right.

Furthermore, if I wanted to impose my prejudices on a very young person I wouldn’t have to use any special terminology at all. The “hints” of racism, sexism, homophobia and all the other phobias and “isms” are all around us, in advertising, TV shows, magazines, and of course the Internet. We are so surrounded by these things that we can’t see the forest for the trees so to speak.

Or to use another corny metaphor, we literally swim in a sea of prejudice, so pervasive that we can’t look away from it. By encouraging a child to watch certain TV shows, play certain games and avoid others, we are sending all sorts of subliminal messages to them. Can anyone say with certainty that they haven’t introduced their child or someone else's to concepts that will hold them back in later life?

All that said, it may surprise anyone who has read this far for me to say I have no problem whatsoever with this “Ban Bossy” campaign. Let me add that this is so even though I have little regard for Sheryl Sandberg, a person who didn’t exactly rise from the worst of circumstances as (according to Wikipedia):  the daughter of a father who was an “ophthalmologist, and her mother has a PhD”. She was able to attend Harvard, and anybody who knows anything knows that the importance of a Harvard degree is about 20% what you know and 80% who you know when you come out. She got to be rich at Google and richer still at Facebook. Her reputation at both places includes that other word that starts with the letter “b”, not just “bossy”.  Her job at Google was marketing related and while she got a nice promotion at Facebook, the one thing you have to admit at this point is that she remembered her marketing skills and still knows how to get people’s attention!

The notion of banning a word (which unlike the N-word has too many generic uses for us to do without) is nothing but a marketing gimmick, and judging from the outrage, a very successful one. We will long since have forgotten the controversy over the word and lingering in many minds will be the notion that maybe, just maybe, we are nudging young children in one direction or another based on an outmoded worldview.

Rest assured, you will still be able to use the word “bossy” in ten years without people giving you dirty looks. It might be good though, if you are a parent or an aunt, uncle or grandparent to not use that word or other pejorative words like it on any of the young people you care for. Can we not all agree on that?

And now for some other, mostly failed, attempts to ban words…







dont say gay bill tennessee.jpg


Saturday, February 8, 2014

New World, New Paradigm, the Cure for Egalitarianism and a Few Other Things

In spite of my fairly good (I think) vocabulary, this is one of those words I have to look up every time I come across it just to be sure. Like the phrase "that begs the question" that 99.9 percent of the time is used incorrectly, "egalitarianism" is a word that most people use a bit too freely since either they (the user) doesn't know what it means and/or their audience doesn't. Problem is the word just sounds good, even though the image of "eagles" tends to come to mind for me and that only confuses me more when I'm trying to remember the definition. So basically it is a word I can respond to, but not a word I feel comfortable with introducing into a conversation.

Add to that the well worn fact that it can mean at least two different things: "equality of opportunity" or "equality of results" and it becomes even more problematic.

The version that expresses "equality of results" might be considered the shortest possible description of Marxism. Basically everyone shares everything with everyone else, and without complaint.

Of course it has never been achieved, and even Marx/Engels admitted the difficulty in ever achieving it. Their solution which was assembled in haste might have well read like: "Assemble all the requisite components for a strongly state-run economic system (and then a miracle happens) and everyone learns to love one another without reservation and the state dissolves." Um, yeah, pull the other one.

Sounds a bit like a religion that was once more popular than it is now. Not only has it not worked for large countries, it hasn't work for small communes either.

The problem is that each person thinks that they have been short-changed somehow and the people who have to arbitrate this always think they deserve a little bigger piece of the pie for being in that position. In the communes of the 60's there was always at least one "digger" who had to go out into the world and get a real job while the rest could stay home and listen to The Grateful Dead and get stoned.

The other form of egalitarianism "equality of opportunity" is often used to define capitalism. Again, this has never been successfully and completely implemented. This form of capitalism is often called "Darwinian" and you'd think that would at least win some people over. The grand irony is that most people who think that Darwinism was a great way to cause single celled organisms to "evolve" into mankind don't seem to think it's still a good way for mankind to evolve further. At what point did Darwinism fail to operate properly you think (I have only a hunch)?

As Femitheist wisely points out what is the point of defining an ideal that has never been achieved, and more likely can never be achieved? Setting our sights high is one thing, setting them on the impossible is folly. Endlessly (it seams) arguing two diametrically opposed forms of "Perfection" would then seem to be folly squared!

As they say: "The Perfect can become the enemy of the Good."

What we need is a new way to look at things and we need someone who has shown that they can think outside the box to come up with it, or at least point us in the right direction.

I have hope that that person has been located.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Want better returns? Give your money to a woman

This was the title of an NBC article as sourced from Reauters. But variations have shown up all over the place with different slants on the original research. (See links, PDF and selected graphics below).

The women managers didn't just squeak by the overall average for hedge funds, but bested it by almost 60%.

The article goes on to say that for the past six years women run funds returned 6 percent while the overall HFRX average lost 1.1 percent and the Standard and Poors 500 (an average more established funds) only did 4.2 percent.

Rothstein Kass has been producing this report for three years with data going back six years. The latest report continues the story of successful investment strategies managed by women, but also points out that growth in woman managed funds is still slow, but steady.

Unlike the legal profession where women's participation was going asymptotic a few years ago, this is a new field for high level women to enter. With results like this there is little reason to doubt there will eventually be similar rapid gains.  In endeavors where testosterone does not provide an advantage (and as this study indicates may actually provide a disadvantage) there is no reason not to expect a steady rise for the first few years followed by a more rapid rise as these results get more media (and importantly investor) attention.

Can you think of any reason to invest your money where it doesn't produce the best results?  I can't.

I can still remember a time when the primary area for women doctors was in gynecology where women patients felt more comfortable with a woman than a man doing their examinations. But with the advent of HMOs and similar group practices where you do not have an assigned doctor at all times it has become more common for doctors of all kinds to consist of a significant percentage of women. As men become more accustomed to the idea of trusting a female doctor, dentist, tax professional, lawyer or investment adviser it is not unreasonable to expect a "pole reversal" effect where customers of these services, both women and men gravitate to the professionals that they view as most likely to produce the best outcomes for them. Such preferences may be no more rational on a case by case basis than selection criteria of the past, on the other hand consumers like to take shortcuts since they don't have the time to investigate every single provider and furthermore the professions don't always make it easy to view individual results of such providers.

As this momentum builds, young women will see these fields as naturals for their talents while young men may just chose to go elsewhere and those elsewhere jobs may involve an increasing degree of manual labor: construction work, trucking, assembly lines, etc.

Anyone who objects to these societal shifts should keep in mind that there is nothing forced about them. Customers will continue to gravitate to providers where they get the best results, students will gravitate to careers that offer them the best opportunities. The world will go on and each generation will see ahead of them just what they expected to see based on what is happening "now".

For more of what the future holds stay tuned to Fethez and Femitheist resources linked here.

The future starts now.



Original NBC Article:


Original Reuters Story:


Full reports (PDF):

For 2012:

For 2013:

Marketwatch Blog: